Where am I DRAWN?


After crossing a threshold and stepping into the sacred space of nature I ask myself a simple yet powerful question..

Where Am I DRAWN?

Where am I drawn in this landscape I am exploring? With all that I am sensing and feeling, what is it that pulls me? What is pleasing? What do I want to get closer too? In which direction am I drawn? I sense into the connections I feel. I trust them. I move further in. Deeper.

Where do I want to go sit and spend some time? Where in this natural place do I feel most comfortable, relaxed, and at peace?

After I ask myself questions like this and listen to my heart and my guts -  my solar plexus, I begin to move in a particular direction for a while, always listening to what feels right. Sometimes my feelings change,  so I change direction - I ask myself again, "where am I drawn?" and begin a new exploration.

I try to remain ready to shift course if my feelings change.

This is a wonderful initial activity once crossing over - follow your intuitive heart to the aspects of this place that pull at you.

You have complete permission to explore, wander and wonder.

We're getting to work now. Keep breathing.  Walk slowly and mindfully.

We are warming up our nature-connection muscles.

Enjoy that.




Then I go wandering off, following all of my favorite trails to all of the places I like.

I check how everything is doing.

I spend the day admiring things.


- From Byrd Baylor's I'm in Charge of Celebrations.